Pacifyr for Counselors

by Pacifyr, Inc.

Health & Fitness


Pacifyr is a confidential, non-judgmental, and stigma-free counseling service provided by profession...

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Pacifyr is a confidential, non-judgmental, and stigma-free counseling service provided by professionals who are socialworkers, counselors, life coaches, personal trainers, nutritionists, dieticians, therapists, or yoga experts. Pacifyr offerssupportive, convenient and affordable online wellness and emotional counseling. Counselors and Wellness experts listeneducate and pacify with the tools they need, to help cope with their various emotional challenges and general wellnessneeds.WHO ARE WE?Pacifyr is a confidential, effective, yet affordable Tele health platform. We are not a counseling company with a physicallocation, but rather, a Holistic Tele Health Platform. Our mobile app helps people overcome life’s challenges includingphysical and mental, deal with emotional issues, and set, and achieve new goals, for a happier, more successful life. Ourcoaches and instructors are caring, licensed or certified professionals. Pacifyr provides mobile Telehealth platform toLPCANC members to grow their business and offer Telehealth services to their clients effectively and with easy access.The PACIFYR-LPCANC partnership can help LPCs in growing their business without the constraint of location and getclients from other parts of the state. LPCANC members are free to choose the days and times best for them and connectwith the clients in real-time.ARE YOU A COUNSELOR?If you are an experienced life coach or a counselor or therapist looking to serve clients in multiple geographies, we havethe right platform for you. Connect with us today to learn more about the easy-to-use, flexible app that we provide forcounselors to carry out their service. It guarantees privacy for the clients and quick and easy payment processing for theservice providers. This is the fastest means to get instant access to counseling. Become a therapist with us today andexplore the possibilities of growing as a professional and a person.Advantages for Providers to join PacifyrGet Noticed: All you have to do is to update your profile and perform well. We will help you in marketing, SEO and clientmatching along with your efforts. You will gain visibility based on your specialty and availability.Minimize Cost: All the scheduling and financials are done on our platform. We eliminate your overhead costs so you canwork from anywhere as long as you have access to the Internet.HOW IT WORKS:STEP 1: Download the app from Appstore or Google Playstore on to your iOS or Android phone.STEP 2: On Demand or Let Client Schedule an appointment. If you are online, let client, connect right away with youeither on chat or video call. If offline, then as per your schedule let client choose a convenient date and time for anappointment with you.STEP 3: Start having an online session in the comfort of your own home or office.OUR SERVICES:FOR EMPLOYERS: Pacifyr helps Employers to create a more positive, healthier, and productive workplace for theirbusiness! We have a long list of certified and licensed HEWP providers for employees to choose from. Our professionalcoaches, counselors and wellness experts offer the tools that employees need to overcome work and emotionalchallenges and implement general wellness needs.HOSPITALS: Through our platform, we make life much easier for healthcare professionals who offer services andpatients who avail of those. The app helps save on commutes and waiting times for appointments at hospitals andclinics. With our emphasis on holistic health, care is given to the emotional, mental and physical wellbeing of a person.